About TheParent Toddler

Experience “Montessori in a nutshell”, where you and your toddler can experience some of the typical daily activities and learn from an experienced Montessori teacher. This program supports children as they explore the Montessori environment, experiment with the materials and discover other children around them.
You will be with your child as she works with arts and crafts, sensorial activities, joins music and movement, enjoys story time, learns to serve and eat snack as well as play with other children on the playground.
Fostering independence, language aquation, meeting like- minded parents and preparing the home environment for your active explorer will give you new insights into how you can optimally support your child’s development.

About TheToddler Environment

Our Toddler program is delicately designed with purposeful content.Child-driven by nature, our program focuses on marching towards developmental goals. The use of Montessori resources brings concrete learning and exploration in picture. The resources also inculcate self-care and social skills. We emphasize on cultivating interests instead of performing mundane activities.

The open spaces provide with thriving opportunities for free play and movement thus taking care of gross and fine motor skills. The garden area helps in developing nurturing skills. An amalgamation of prepared environment, open spaces and our experienced team provides immense possibilities of growth and learning for our happy toddlers.

About ThePre-School Environment

Our program manifests the joy of learning in students. It dives deep into the essentials of academic learning while fostering a skillset for practical living. Activities with 5 senses serve to refine sensorial exploration. Spatial awareness is promoted to understand the surroundings and its boundaries.

In a known and prepared environment, doors to the unknown world are opened through concepts of science, history and geography. To imbibe a sense of teamwork and cooperation, group activities are designed thoughtfully. Our program serves as a footing for early years education with improved literacy skills. Bedrock of math and logical skill is laid through our premium resources.

Elaborate vocabulary, clear speech, progressive mathematical learning are goals rooted in the program. The yoga sessions help our little individuals to harmonize their mind, body and soul. Rhymes and songs serve as stimuli for rhythmic movements of the body. In the spotlight is our intent on teaching respectful behavior with use of greetings and courteous words. In the journey of achieving our goals, the essence of play holds itself in core through our well-planned outdoors.


About TheEnrichment Programs

Your child got few hours alone when you are at work or running your errands, our after-school program aims to combat the woes of our parents with limited time. But that’s not its only purpose! Our enrichment program functions as a mentor to channel every child’s potential at TBBM. We customize our after-school program to specifications that the parents are interested in, varying from language and phonic programs, reading and writing enrichment, fine motor and muscle coordination or developing independence and life skills.

The varied programs emphasize developing skills. The language-related programs take 360-degree coverage of the child’s linguistic skills. From the basics of letter-sound, letter and word families, rhymes and story-telling, enhancement of vocabulary and language happens through multiple activities. Similarly, mathematical and logical skills are etched by bringing clarity of concepts and performing practical and sensorial activities. We utilize the program to refine, fortify and interconnect existing knowledge for long-lasting and deep-rooted learning. Our supporting team comforts the child to help them shed their inhibitions and pupate into a confident and buzzing bees.